Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
your lips.
보았니? 너의 입술은. 밤의 비릿한 바람에 젖어 말 오므린 채 안타까이 불씨가 꺼져가던 나의 입술을. 그날 그 시간의 혀만이 안다. 젤리처럼 말랑말랑한 입술 안에 단단한. 어둠을 향해 앙다문 너의 흰 이빨을. 기억하겠지? 너의 입술은. 그날 네 입술의 포옹 속에 두근거리던 나의 입술을. 너의 검은 가지에 활짝 핀 한창때의 목련꽃 아래 자줏빛 그림자. 너의 입술에서 뾰족이 움트던 혀는 바라보았지. 그날 밤보다 더 어두운 입술 내부의 어둠을. 너의 입술은 먹으면 끊을 수 없는 독을 갖고 있지. 양귀비꽃 같은 너의 입술을 먹고 극도로 긴장한 나의 신경은 들판에 풀을 뜯는 소처럼 독이 퍼져가는 온몸을 느리게 움직이며 너의 입술을 열심히 뜯어먹는다.
내 몸은 너의 입술에 서서히 중독된다.
고요하고 뜨거운 여름 바다 위에 떠 있는 부드러운 구름은 너의 입술이다. 해안선을 따라 수많은 파도에 방금 씻긴 젖은 조약돌은, 바람에 맞서 일어나는 물결은, 바다의 하늘이 경계 없이 새파란 공간에 아련히 한 점 떠 있는 먼 섬은 너의 입술이다. 서쪽 하늘에 붉은 입술 시울로 나타나 저녁의 공간을 따뜻하게 뎁히면서 모든 심장에 펌프질을 해대는 노을은 너의 입술이다. 세상에서 향기 있는 모든 꽃들은, 꽃들을 찾아 돛을 펴고 항해하는 모든 나비들은 너의 입술이다. 음식을 만드는 불, 쇠를 녹이는 불, 집과 산과 바다와 하늘을 태우는, 세상 모든 것들을 변화시키고 소멸시키는 불은, 너의 입술이다.
너의 입술은 다른 세계로 가는 입구이다.
-채호기 [너의 입술] 중-
scrapbooked, from elsewhere on the internet.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
the outlook was decidedly blue..

today i woke up with a horrible hangover,
got the big scary pink slip at work,
came down with a naaaasty cold,
and in general felt like i was having the worst day of ma vie.
so i scrubbed and scrubbed whilst listening to ella fitzgerald and louis armstrong. i learned that magic eraser and scrubbing bubbles make a great team.
and tomorrow will be a better day.
bonne nuit. x
Monday, September 21, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

the greatest thing in inglourious basterds = this guy. i love people that have a working knowledge of three+ languages. and no, not the kind of "working knowledge" fibs you put on resumes.
At Cannes, Tarantino said that had he not discovered Waltz, the film might have been scrapped entirely. "I knew whatever actor I cast to play this has to be as much of a linguistic genius as Landa is or he would never come off the page," Tarantino said. Landa seduces his prey with his words and speaks fluent German, English, French and Italian. Other actors "could do the poetry in this language, but they couldn't do the poetry in that language. And they had to be able to say the poetry in every language," Tarantino said.
Waltz wasn't faking — he really can speak all those languages. But he is characteristically modest about his abilities, unlike his evil alter-ego, who presents them with flourish.
But he does boast: "My oldest daughter speaks seven! I come from a small country, and we sometimes need to employ another language to get things. So it's not that big of a deal to speak various languages."
um...i come from a small country too. where did we go wrong?Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
you could only hope to look this good in black and white
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
melankolee time #1 the drink of our childhood

they wear uniforms:

typically we got two yakults delivered a day, sometimes three. in the summer you put the yakult in the freezer and ate them as popsicles. you'd have to peel the top part of the plastic off because a teaspoon would not fit all the way. we pretty much raised that to an art form.

Friday, August 21, 2009
it's hot and sticky outside here in nyc, "feels like" 39c. good day to stay home, blast the a/c and watch old russian cartoons.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
the biggest offense.

i saw this guy wearing these shoes today...you might have to click to enlarge the photos.
they were a crime to society.
i worry for this country sometimes.