the greatest thing in inglourious basterds = this guy. i love people that have a working knowledge of three+ languages. and no, not the kind of "working knowledge" fibs you put on resumes.
At Cannes, Tarantino said that had he not discovered Waltz, the film might have been scrapped entirely. "I knew whatever actor I cast to play this has to be as much of a linguistic genius as Landa is or he would never come off the page," Tarantino said. Landa seduces his prey with his words and speaks fluent German, English, French and Italian. Other actors "could do the poetry in this language, but they couldn't do the poetry in that language. And they had to be able to say the poetry in every language," Tarantino said.
Waltz wasn't faking — he really can speak all those languages. But he is characteristically modest about his abilities, unlike his evil alter-ego, who presents them with flourish.
But he does boast: "My oldest daughter speaks seven! I come from a small country, and we sometimes need to employ another language to get things. So it's not that big of a deal to speak various languages."
um...i come from a small country too. where did we go wrong?
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