a day trip to long beach on 4th of july has left me looking like this:
...minus the ice bath. amazing!!! yogurt cooling gel by korres. smells fresh, goes on lightly, and instantly soothes the skin. thank you siiiister for introducing this to me.
delicious aloe drinks that i discovered at panya - just when i thought aloe drinks were only popular in korea. these come in 7 different flavors. i want to try all of them except for the wheatgrass one. ew. my favorite is the "allure" with aloe, mangosteen and mango.
from YES24고객센터 to 김세인 date Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 8:36 PM subject 안녕하십니까? YES24입니다. 고객님의 문의에 답변드립니다. mailed-by yes24.com
안녕하십니까 예스이십사 고객지원센타 입니다.
소중한 관심으로 예스이십사를 찾아주셔서 감사합니다.
김세인 고객님의 문의에 답변드립니다. 문의하신 상품은 제작사 품절 상태로 생산에 대한 계획이 없는 상태라고 합니다. 추가로 생산되기는 어려울 것 같다는 답변을 듣게되어 죄송하지만 김세인 고객님께도 공급해드리기 어려울 것으로 보입니다. 원하시는 답변을 드리지 못해 대단히 죄송합니다.
앞으로는 더 나은 상품과 서비스로 기쁨을 드릴 수 있는 예스이십사가 되도록 더욱 최선을 다하겠습니다. 부족한 부분이 있으시면 고객센터의 일대일 서비스나 1544-3800 번으로 연락 주시면 성심을 다해 답변 드리겠습니다.
so you're wishing that you never did all the embarrassing things you've done and you're wishing you could set it right And you're wishing you could stay the night
but then I go again wishing never solved a problem
...i seriously didn't get yeasayer AT ALL until this song.
it was far worse than i thought. after crying buckets and buckets of tears -
1. i shut my eyes tight and tried to think happy thoughts. 2. i tried to watch women's figure skating with as much enthusiasm as i could manage. 3. i downed some whiskey.
but it wasn't enough.
so the next best thing i could think of was to hang out in the kitchen. you know that cooking and cleaning are really the only ways i can distract myself from those vicious and heartbreaking days. so i made some feta arugula pizza for you and me. then i decided to bake mourning cookies for toto. within an hour our barely-nine-hundred-square-feet apartment was filled with the smell of fresh baked peanut butter cookies. i know toto would have liked it very much.
and suddenly i felt a little teeny bit better. i hope you did, too.
i'm so glad i stole this book to read at the doctor's office. i didn't even know it was written by that guy in that band that i liked because it was cool to like them even though i didn't really get their stuff at the time.
it is nice to read something and relate to the person entirely even though you have almost nothing in common. and also to be depressed in a very pleasant way. i do that way too little these days...
xo unnie
song via youtube -- Sister's Barbershop (언니네 이발관) - 가장 보통의 존재 (the most commonplace existence)
as you know, i'm having a major j.crew withdrawl these days. i almost feel like swimming over to tokyo so i can go to the store and breathe in the sweet j.crew air. i hit refresh, refresh, refresh...but all i get is "access denied". why, why, why, oh, why?!
so i emailed them and here's what brandon from c/s dept wrote to me:
-- Hello Sewon,
We're incredibly sorry for the ongoing problems you've experienced attempting to shop jcrew.com.
The principle cause of your inability to connect to our website relates to technical issues we've encountered with Korean IP addresses. Since your primary, if not only, means of connecting to our website is via a Korean IP address, these technical issues will prevent you from being able to shop jcrew.com. We are working to resolve this issue, however, we do not anticipate service availability soon.
In the meantime, if you are able to contact us via phone or fax to place an order to be shipped to the US, Canada or Japan, we invite you to do so. Our phone numbers are as follows:
* 1.800.562.0258 (in US and Canada) * 1.434.385.6700 (direct toll line) * 1.434.385.5750 (fax)
Thank you for your interest in shopping J.Crew. If we can be of further assistance, please let us know by responding to this email at contactus@jcrew.com or calling a J.Crew Associate at one of the numbers above.
korean ip address my ASS, brandon. that is the lamest excuse i've ever heard.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! i tried to be civil. i tried to be nice. i gave you a chance to pack up and get out, no nonsense, no drama. i thought this would be the end of us...that finally, i would be free.*