dear unnie,
as you know, i'm having a major j.crew withdrawl these days.
i almost feel like swimming over to tokyo so i can go to the store and breathe in the sweet j.crew air.
i hit refresh, refresh, refresh...but all i get is "access denied".
why, why, why, oh, why?!
so i emailed them and here's what brandon from c/s dept wrote to me:
Hello Sewon,
We're incredibly sorry for the ongoing problems you've experienced
attempting to shop jcrew.com.
The principle cause of your inability to connect to our website relates
to technical issues we've encountered with Korean IP addresses. Since
your primary, if not only, means of connecting to our website is via a
Korean IP address, these technical issues will prevent you from being
able to shop jcrew.com. We are working to resolve this issue, however,
we do not anticipate service availability soon.
In the meantime, if you are able to contact us via phone or fax to place
an order to be shipped to the US, Canada or Japan, we invite you to do
so. Our phone numbers are as follows:
* 1.800.562.0258 (in US and Canada)
* 1.434.385.6700 (direct toll line)
* 1.434.385.5750 (fax)
Thank you for your interest in shopping J.Crew. If we can be of further
assistance, please let us know by responding to this email at
contactus@jcrew.com or calling a J.Crew Associate at one of the numbers
korean ip address my ASS, brandon.
that is the lamest excuse i've ever heard.