Thursday, July 9, 2009

craigslist scam

dear monsieur "guy merlin",

i hate you. you smell like pigeons.
give me my 380 euros back, you buttface! ;_;


  1. i can't stop laughing. but it is a tragic story.

  2. Hey, I know this was ages ago, but some guy calling himself Guy Merlin just tried to scam me too. Asked me to wire him some money to Cameroon to reserve an appartment in the 5th arrondissment of Paris. Same story? Let me know so I can be 100% sure before I report his ass!

  3. Whoa. Cameroon never figured into the equation as far as I know, but yes, same bastard. My sister can verify.

  4. hi james! sorry about the late response.. yes it sounds like the same guy, except i ended up sending the money to his wife's account. he is still using the same email address, i was naiive enough to believe him but i guess i learned my lesson the hard way..

  5. Thanks for the info, yeh it's the same guy. I sent him an email calling him a thief (amongst other things) and he responded by telling me he was gonna sue me for defamation of character!!

    He pulled the story about his wife's account with me aswell. Sorry to hear the bastard conned you, tho really there seems to be no way of reporting him...
